Tag: <span>sotu</span>

Obama is a fast guy. Faster internet, faster trains, faster to get to clean energy.
bama cartoon on sotu address[/caption]

I like a tech-y, green President. But what about what he didn’t talk about, or made little jokeys about?

He pointed out people who were shot, but didn’t mention his thoughts on gun control. He made a joke about his health care bill, but is that really funny? I think it’s sad that he has to keep pushing it, and look what the newest ruling against the health bill started: trouble ahead, my friend. And many of us still hate the whole thing!

He did encourage businesses to hire…after all the big bailouts went to the big guys last year, with no trickle down at all.

Well, Obama delivered a cheerful message to a crowd wearing ribbons. But I expect flowers and candy with the pretty card.

Barack Obama