Last updated on January 3, 2023
Covid19 has torn apart our democracy in the US
Which is worse, coronavirus or fascism? We in the United States have always lived in a Democracy. We know this, because teachers told us. And we always felt sorry (pity, even) for all the other poor countries that had different forms of government that allowed murders, torture, large-scale poverty, epidemics, lack of health care, etc.

Umm, well, maybe we have a little bit of them, too, but we have it better, right/?
Not now, not after COVID-19 –also called Novel Coronavirus, corona, the ‘rona. I suspect the majority of Americans didn’t even know the name of their state Governor before, but they sure do now. They have suffered unthinkable disgraceful lockdowns, that have paralyzed 330 million people in the country, depriving them of friends, family, work, play, religion, health.
I definitely avoided classes on political science, so I thought a little refresher on types of government would be appropriate, before we start slapping a label on our new, unfriendly government.
Forms of government that the New Normal Undemocratic US might consider
First of all, there will always be top dogs amongst us…unless you like anarchy, or (cough) socialism. Max Weber is regarded today as one of the most important theorists on the development of modern Western society, according to Wiki. He defined power as being: “the ability of an individual or group to achieve their own goals or aims when others are trying to prevent them from realising them.” Let’s see how power is used, or misused, in various forms of government.
Democracy: That is supposed to be us. The power belongs to the people. Eligible citizens have direct participation in the decision making of the government, including the President and representatives. (We are no longer a democracy. It’s not just that this was an emergency, so someone had to take quick control; it’s that LA County Health Dept and Gov. Gavin Newsom took control with almost no data and certainly no precognition.)
Undemocratic forms of government after coronavirus
Monarchy: Yay, Queen Elizabeth! She’s a constitutional monarchist, which means little or no political power. (Many Americans have an obsession with President Trump, and thought he was King and controlled everything. They are disappointed to find out he does not, but still blame him for existing.)
Oligarchy: All power is with a few people or a dominant group, like Royal Families used to be. It could also be the Catholic Church. Sounds medieval to me.

Statism: a political system in which the state has substantial centralized control over social and economic affairs. Getting closer! But the control we’re talking about now goes way beyond this, with consequences.
Authoritarianism; Strong central power, with limited liberties. Wiki defines: unregulated use of political power, self-appointed leadership, and arbitrary deprivation of civil liberties A range of social controls also attempt to stifle civil society…with a bureaucracy staffed by the regime and creation of allegiance through various means of socialization and indoctrination. This sounds a lot like us!!
Totalitarianism: restricts individual opposition to the state and its claims, and exercises an extremely high degree of control over public and private life. It is regarded as the most extreme and complete form of authoritarianism. That’s not us. It’s Hitler, or Stalin.
Fascism: I have seen several people call the injustices under the lockdowns fascist, so I was very interested in this political regime. Wiki defines it as “far-right, authoritarian ultranationalism, characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, and strong regimentation of society and of the economy.”
Of course there are many other kinds of government systems, but I think these come close.
California — it’s all a big act, and it smells like fascism
An article on pandemics and human rights points out something scary:
For example, under California law, during a state of emergency, the governor shall, “to the extent he deems necessary, have complete authority over all agencies of the state government and the right to exercise within the area designated all police power vested in the state by the Constitution and laws of the State of California” – an essentially unbounded grant of authority. [my bold]
And Gavin Newsom is working that. He’s still pretending he has it all figured out and under control. A recent tweet:
To safely return to work, people need access to protective gear!😷🧤
Last week, @Cal_OES delivered more than 11 million surgical masks to schools & educators, farm workers, social workers, grocery workers & transit workers.
As #COVID19 continues, Californians will be protected.
— Office of the Governor of California (@CAgovernor) May 12, 2020
See how he did that? Statism and Authoritarianism! Told us he’s still in control, and asked us to think about masks, and *thank* him, instead of protest his unconstitutional lockdown. He forgot to mention the masks cost the state $1 billion, too.

Well, no, Gavin, first people need to have a job to go to, before they don accessories. How many businesses and jobs have gone under, or will never recover? I haven’t heard or read one person say, “If only I had a surgical mask!!!” No one cares, cause now, 2 months later, the truth is leaking out: it’s only people with pre-existing conditions and the frail or older who will get a bad case of Covid.
And oops, looks like the super-duper masks are substandard and didn’t pass inspection anyway.
Los Angeles Beaches are open, but only the wet parts, and no stopping!
It’s even more of a sham show by our Mayor Eric Garcetti and his new best friend, Barbara Ferrer, Dictator of County of LA Health.They pretend to open up, but really pound more draconian iron fists in our back.
On Monday, they announced first that beaches would open… and at the same time made new orders that people have to wear masks at LAX and on public transportation! On Tuesday, golf courses will open up… but then Garcetti and Ferrer ordered that all 10.7 million healthy people here have to wear a mask the minute they step outside!

But this is the best one! You can only use the wet sand, not dry, and no stopping or sitting!! Beach parking lots, bike paths, piers and boardwalks will stay closed. This means it will be almost impossible to actually reach the beach unless you live right on it.
All of these rules are unConstitutional and unenforceable – and make no sense at all.
I’m calling it — California is no longer democratic — it’s the First Fascist state in the Union.