How the Washington Post distorts the Novel Coronavirus.
Last updated on January 3, 2023
The COVID-19 news is a non-stop bulldozer, crushing all common sense in its path. People are running like in old Godzilla movies – many of which were filmed in Asian countries, btw. They are like drowning people, grasping at leaves falling into the water from the many trees of “science”, “medicine” and “news.” Let’s look at how the Washington Post disseminates fear and untruths.
Closed, because Gavin Newsom thinks the virus hides in sand
Not to mention the White House posts, treating the coronavirus crisis like Today’s Special – each day adding info that the media dissects and dissipates…with their own spin.
(Sorry for the lapse in writing about coronavirus and the media. The virus panic wasn’t enough – I also got EVICTED last year, by Steven Taylor of Taylor Equities, so I have been homeless – living in short-term places. I had to move 3 times last month, made harder by my car breaking down.)
Why am I writing about Covid-19?
There are two reasons I spend precious time researching this: 1) to investigate the news media, since
From the E. Nesbit book, The 5 Children and It. The sand fairy. Newsom and Garcetti have confused it with the coronavirus – thus, all beaches in california are closed and people arrested
I’m part of the media, and 2) to affirm our civil liberties -(freedom of religion, right to assemble, no eminent domain, unusual punishment, right to life), most of which we have lost here in Los Angeles, California.
This post is about the media’s gross distortion of the news. Let’s start with the most recent basic news or FAQ on COVID-19. I have been curious about this, and maybe you have been, too:
Why is coronavirus so contagious? Easy answer.
The University of Colorado School of Medicine Hospital had 2 doctors from there answer some basic questions about the coronavirus. Why is it important that they are from a university? Universities do a lot (most?) of the medical research in the country, and because they need to get outside grants, they are very highly scrutinized by their peers to see if they deserve the grants. They’re good.
What makes this particular virus so seemingly powerful? The doctors Dr Kenneth Tyler and Dr Daniel Pastula repond:
What makes the new coronavirus so dangerous to humans is simply that it’s “novel,” meaning it’s new to humans, so we don’t have any way to fight it.
“This is the first time it’s ever circulated in humans,” Pastula said.
So, the virus isn’t more powerful, per se, than other viruses. But when it enters the human body, we have no pre-existing defenses since our bodies don’t immediately recognize it as a dangerous intruder.
And that’s why they call it “Novel” Coronavirus. Our bodies aren’t sure what it is, or if to attack it!
Phtoto of LA residents in mask. 90% of all LA Times photos have masks, and this is before the latest mask craze!
The article goes on to say no vaccine or cure yet, and it may get weaker in hot weather, like SARS or MERS.
We have always had viruses, and they continue to change.
But some of the viruses that have caused great harm to humans in recent decades —including this new coronavirus and its predecessors, SARS and MERS — have jumped from animals to humans. That was also true for the virus that causes AIDS.
“These viruses frequently had niches in animals,” Tyler said. “As human behavior changes, whether it’s our dietary habits or growth of cities that push us into contact with things we weren’t previously in contact with, we get exposed to new viruses.”
We all know by now that it came from the wet markets in China; wet meaning it’s a combination of freshly killed animals and live ones. Wet = blood. Many of the animals are illegally stolen from other countries, and are endangered. All have been bruised and tortured. THIS is why to ban China from any kind of international commerce.
And this isn’t their first time: the SARS virus also came from the wet markets!! That virus came from a bat. I saw conflicting reports about whether the coronavirus came from a bat or a civit or a pangolin. What does it matter? China did it. And then did it again.
The UCHealth interview answers several more questions and gives the usual hand-washing advice. But:
“There’s a lot of stuff on social media now that may be out of date, inaccurate, or misleading,” Pastula said. “My suggestion for everyone is to get your recommendations from the CDC (the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) or from your state health department. They will have the most factual, up-to-date information.”
We will be looking at the CDC in another post. But notice how direct and unbiased all this info is. No alarm bells, just caution and information. And compare the medical facts to how one of the biggest newspapers in the country reports it!
How Washington Post distorts the COVID-19 news, big time
Chart o’ Fear, as shown in Washington Post
While researching how contagious this virus is, this link from Washington Post also popped up: 3 Months into the Pandemic: This is how likely the coronavirus is to infect people.
Let’s take a lens at some of the trigger words in this article: horrible, calamitous, contaminated, explosively, rattling the nerves, grinding, dismaying, stealth transmission, vulnerable human beings, frantic, terrifying, deadly, infect.
Some quotes and deliberate misinformation from the Washington Post:
Most viral contagions in circulation face obstacles in the form of people with at least partial immunity. But this coronavirus is a bulldozer. It can flatten everyone in its path. [Not true. It’s fatal in about 2% of those tested positive.]
Because this is such a contagious virus, a large percentage of the world’s population, potentially billions of people, could become infected within the next couple of years. [Totally irresponsible bullshit journalism. No link because they made it up.]
But its ability to spread depends also on the vulnerability of the human population, including the density of the community. [True. Which is almost certainly why it spread so fast in Italy and NYC.]
She compared the current public measures to what happened during the 1918 influenza pandemic that killed an estimated 675,000 people in the United States, and in which some cities were more careful than others about enforcing social distancing. [Melissa Nolan is the she. And now she will have to live with this comparison to the 1918 flu crisis, and the reference to social distancing 100 years ago. :) They were so advanced back then!]
It can be deadly, and even if not, many victims are miserable for days or even weeks on end. [Doesn’t this kind of contradict the early statement about stealth transmission and being asymptomatic? There are many reports out now by recovered patients. Here are a few celebrities, and even though they are drama queens, they describe it as the blahs.]
There is one note of hope at the end of the article: the hairs in our nose can help filter it out. :0
Costco, hoarders or buyers? Don’t trust anyone, ha ha.
Consider that the Washington Post is the 6th biggest newspaper in the country and is right there in DC. And has won many Pulitzers. Then ask yourself, is this good journalism? Is it accurate, fair, balanced, neutral?
Btw, it’s owned by Jeff Bezos, CEO of Amazon and now living right here in Los Angeles, same as Prince Harry and whats-her-face. Not inferring anything, just saying.
This shoddy reporting is even worse than the LA Times coverage of COVID-19 I wrote about. These useless, fear-mongering, inaccurate news predictions on COVID-19 have to stop. WHY is it happening? Your ideas invited in the comments!
Find exact quotes of President Trump’s press conferences
Finally, don’t get distracted by politics. President Trump is still the President, and his Coronavirus Task Force are some of the best minds in the nation. Here are the transcripts where you can quickly look up the actual facts on what we know about the coronavirus.and what the President actually said.
I'm a Slate cartoonist and author. My editorial cartoons appear in USA Today, WSJ, The New Yorker, LA Times, Christian Science Monitor, Newsweek, Time, Daily News, CalWatchdog, etc. Member of LA Press Club and the Silver Lake Neighborhood Council.
I interpret scientific research for the amusement of the public. Links in my About page.
[…] I’ve been a member of the LA Press club for over a decade. I’ve had a feature in the LA Times for many years. But I truly feel I can’t trust them now. Leaving out news = fake news. Fear-mongering has been rampant in many newspapers, but the Los Angeles Times has won Pulitzers! This is one reason why I started writing about the COVID19 scare. […]
[…] you find in most media, is it? In fact, quite the opposite! Sometimes I burst out laughing at how dramatic (and wrong) even the major news sources […]
[…] I’ve been a member of the LA Press club for over a decade. I’ve had a feature in the LA Times for many years. But I truly feel I can’t trust them now. Leaving out news = fake news. Fear-mongering has been rampant in many newspapers, but the Los Angeles Times has won Pulitzers! This is one reason why I started writing about the COVID19 scare. […]
[…] you find in most media, is it? In fact, quite the opposite! Sometimes I burst out laughing at how dramatic (and wrong) even the major news sources […]