Tag: <span>sex</span>

Each week I think, I’m just going to limit it to the three best opinion cartoons this time, but I always find myself adding a couple of others – so I’m going to divide this roundup into a 2-parter.

Dario Castillejos cartoon on WikiLeaks
Dario Castillejos cartoon on WikiLeaks

I was shocked this week, SHOCKED to have an editor at a major book publisher tell me that they don’t publish many books of political cartoons “because they’re too hard to understand, and people feel like their brains hurt.” As I’ve written before, I never read political cartoons myself until a couple of years ago, so I feel their pain, but still…a smart, sexy editor can’t understand a cartoon?!

I can’t explain her mental state, but one problem I had was that I just didn’t follow the news enough to understand the cartoons- and another problem was the cartoonists themselves – messy, scrawling, ink scratching, with symbols and name tags and not a bit of humor, either. But they’re online and colorful now, and if you think of political cartoons as little puzzles, or mind games, you’ll have ever so much more fun with them!

I’m starting this week’s roundup with a cartoon by Dario Castillejos, on WikiLeaks. I like a lot of the foreign cartoonists, for both style and concept – they usually don’t have much dialogue, so they really work on their drawings! Uncle Sam is a rather tired symbol – I’ve never used it, nor been tempted to, in 2 years of doing cartoons – but this drawing of Uncle Sam as a scarecrow is pretty amusing! Oh, look, Mr. Crow has torn out his eye. Gulp. I like this grisly approach, maybe because it reminds me of Scarecrows, a truly scary good movie that I recommend.

LA Times Editorial Cartoons

Perhaps it’s insensitive of me to bring up Bill Clinton and the infamous blue dress RIGHT when everyone is all gaga over Chelsea’s expensive wedding and her expensive dress. I’m sure someone will tell me, if I am.  But I’m curious about a couple of things at that wedding. Really, how come Obama was not invited? Also, the news reports made a big deal that Bill Clinton was there. Why wouldn’t he be at his only daughter’s wedding?? Confusing.

bill clinton cartoon with the blue dress
bill clinton cartoon with the blue dress

Anyway, if you are a loyal reader, you know that sex affairs interest me, but condemnation does not. Mistresses, gay sex in bathrooms, oral sex in the White House, Tiger Woods (who was shanghaied), all mildly interesting, but I don’t care. What happens behind closed doors is probably lovely and very fun. Also, private.

Politicians who aren't Obama Scandalous cartoons!

It’s come to my attention that some people don’t think the same way I do! Astonishing!

For instance, one thing that I’m extremely passionate about is privacy. For others, as well as myself. And couthness. Uncouth is not cool. This includes making fun of others’ sex lives, or asking them about it directly. So rude! (However, a little bit of gossip is okay among friends, in hushed tones.)

john edwards book was not written with love and compassion

I saw Andrew Young and his wife on 20/20, talking about this book he had written about the years he worked with John Edwards, The Politician: An Insider’s Account of John Edwards’s Pursuit of the Presidency and the Scandal That Brought Him Down. Oh, and about a dirty sex tape he found of Edwards. Nice. Young has written a tell-all as he rolls out all the dirty secrets of John Edwards and his mistress. Only this is a revenge- book, and as the Youngs described how pious they are, the whole thing stank, so I did this cartoon shortly after the show. I think I’m the only cartoonist on Slate or cagle.com who did one on this topic. I don’t know why! I know it’s not hard news, but it’s still important, and very sad, when a politician gets outed by his former best friend.

Mainstream Media Politicians who aren't Obama


Did Assemblyman Mike Duvall have sex? Maybe!
Mike Duvall had sex cartoon

We know he liked to talk about it, anyway, but…where’s the beef?

The LA Times reports the scandal:

An Orange County lawmaker who inadvertently broadcast explicit remarks about his sexual conquests over an open microphone abruptly resigned from office Wednesday after legislative leaders stripped him of his committee posts and launched an ethics probe of his actions.

The paper doesn’t mention that some of Duvall’s conversation was about him spanking the woman, which seemed to ignite a lot of interest anger.An ethics “probe” was started because one of the women was a lobbyist for a utility company. Okay, sexual favors aren’t okay in the State Senate. But who can prove such a thing? No, it was actually just the fact that he talked about it, and the legislature blushed, as it’s now 2011, and not another thing was heard about this man or his actions!

This writer at the San Francisco Chronicle is very disrespectful of politicians:

Orange County Republicans are like weeds. Cut off one and another will grow in its place.

She continues:

At least Duvall spared his wife, two children, himself, the Assembly and his party by resigning immediately. By not prolonging the embarrassment, he already has begun his rehabilitation.

Yes, Californians will remember Duvall for his caught-on-tape remarks, but they’ll also remember that he chose to exit gracefully.

I read that he resigned within 15 hours. I haven’t found one source, however,  that says he actually DID have sex with these women! 

California, here I am Scandalous cartoons!