UPDATED Copyright infringement is a federal crime! This is how copyright law protects your cartoons and artwork. Fair Use for Images, vs Stealing them I recently had a problem with…
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Lonely people need good TV Okay, it’s my favorite TV shows, but no, I’m not exaggerating. I look forward to certain shows all day or all week. And then I…
Yeah, I know it’s not as sexy as the market fall (which Twitter is ignoring, btw- obviously everyone in there either a) has no money b) doesn’t understand Standard and…
* Finally cracked TIME Cartoons of the Week with this one! Yes, it took a local LA cartoon to make good on the East Coast. Also in Daily News today,…
You know the story: Arnold Schwarzenegger shacked up with an unattractive but very sensual maid, Mildred Baena, (I must assume she had sex appeal at some point). I’m guessing it…
What, you mean philandering and affairs (Arnold Schwarzenegger) aren’t enough reason for a couple to separate, but leaving political office will do just fine? Typical Kennedy thinking, Maria! Arnold S’s…