Hot Spots Posts

* UPdate: Different version of this in Psychology Today. I have a growing collection of Sad Cartoons, it appears. I could have put this in the Holiday category, but that…

Sad Cartoons

Charon tells Ted Kennedy that a woman is waiting for him

Cartoon caption: Charon tells Ted Kennedy she’s looking for him…at the river Styx. Charon: She’s waiting for you, Ted…Your sister, Eunice. For those who need a little nudge to their mythology trivia: I did my research on this, so the names check out!

UPDATE: After I did my own research here, I have noticed several other articles, and a book taking my research and ideas, without giving me any credit. I hope you get stuck in a car underwater, Donald Frederick Nelson.

There are about a billion books out now, 11 years later, not to mention the Chappaquiddick movie, which got good reviews. More info is always good, so let me add the new stuff at the end of my article.


I’ve always been curious about the Ted Kennedy and Mary Jo Kopechne drowning, so of course that’s where my mind went last night when I read about his death. (Aug 26, 2009.)

dragging the Kennedy car out of the riverWhat? Is that bad, or is that normal!? I’ve only been following the news closely since I started working as a political cartoonist.  Excuse me when I don’t know everything about every politician in the White House.

I did notice Ted Kennedy died, however.

Kennedy did a lot of good with health care, and did some other great things, too.  CNN seems to have a balanced story about him here, including all his positives, which are legion; they are also honest enough to at least mention the Chappaquiddick drowning (unlike the spurious writeup the LA Times did on him last month, with of the drowning. HA HA HA!

And the Times website STILL totally sucks, after their new “updo”, as it won’t show me that link now. Anyway, back to the mystery.)

So last night I spent a couple of hours reading all the links I could find on what really happened  with Teddy and the tragic story of Mary Jo. Briefly, there was a party of a bunch of married men and single women who had worked on the Robert Kennedy campaign. This isn’t necessarily scurrilous, as Wash DC has the highest number of single women – read the stats.

Edward Kennedy was going to drive Mary Jo to the ferry, so she could take it home to her hotel room across the channel. He drank too much, and the car tipped over, upside down, into the pond. He got out, presumably through the open window on the driver’s side, but poor Mary Jo drowned. He reported the incident the next morning, about 9 hours later. The obvious explanation is that he was drunk, didn’t want the police to test him, and so he delayed reporting it until after he had talked with his lawyer, etc. But there were a lot of questions raised in the many sites I read: Was she pregnant? Why did he delay? Why was he seen at this time in dry clothes? Did he really try to save her, as he claimed, and was he then able to swim the channel, as he claimed,  back to town?  

Politicians who aren't Obama Scandalous cartoons! See ya later

Body Issues

Any excuse for a cartoon. I drew this cartoon about a week before Obama’s first 100 days were up, because I got the date wrong. And I used the name of my favorite TV show, Reaper in it,  just because I can.

"I can't believe
obama's first 100 days

Ah, Reaper, the rare comedy-drama that works both ways, and is totally, always compelling had just recently been pronounced dead by Hollywood Reporter. If you liked  The Screwtape Letters, (yes, the same C. S. Lewis who wrote the Narnia books which are much better than The Chronicles of Narnia, because that’s for kids, but I’m a grownup) you’ll love Reaper.

Barack Obama

I feel terrible, because somehow my back tire got damaged. Two rips in the side of it. I thought the thumping was something banging in the trunk. I’ve never had a flat tire before, and my driver’s window doesn’t work, so I couldn’t tell it was coming from there. I hope it was some strange accident (tread is near new, however.) I’m being a girl, in tears. (PS, later found it was a screw. But doesn’t explain rips?)

The worst part is wondering if someone slashed it – which I have had happen before – and my horror that anyone could be that evil, that malicious, destructive, and just plain awful.

Now, I’m not saying the Pope is evil. I am sure some of his intentions are good, very good. But he certainly comes out with destructive, condemning statements a lot, doesn’t he? No birth control, no condoms, no homosexuality…no money, no health care, no education.

Of course, having less abortions is a worthy goal. But I suspect Obama means less abortions by better birth control, which of course, the Pope ALSO hates.  More kids and more overcrowding, and more of US Catholics, is the papal edict! I am pro-choice, as if that isn’t obvious, and I think the Pope could care less about women, or women’s rights.

I think the cartoon is explanatory, but here I go, anyway: hanging this grotesque poster up, of the Pope with the monster from Alien coming out of his mouth, would be enough to have women go screaming out of the clinic, thus, less abortions. I took great pleasure in researching what the Alien monster really looked like – a fantastic movie. But then I decided he just looked a little…phallic, so I redrew it even scarier, below. Google isn’t always right the first time, btw. More  horrific cartoon after the jump.

Body Issues Sad Cartoons

Barack Obama Mainstream Media