This is a cartoon about Chief Justice Clarence Thomas and his wife, who started her own tea party, neutrality be damned.\
It is also about a contemporary tea-party idea for a centuries old play! A woman in Greece, a long long time ago, before Christ, decided that she wouldn’t have sex with her husband until he stopped the war, and convinced every woman in the city to do the same! According to Wiki, this is one of only a few plays that we have left from Aristophanes, a Greek playwright BC. Sad. But what a fantastic premise!
Originally performed in classical Athens in 411 BC, it is a comic account of one woman’s extraordinary mission to end The Peloponnesian War. Lysistrata convinces the women of Greece to withhold sexual privileges from their husbands and lovers as a means of forcing the men to negotiate peace…
Sorry for the history lesson. I majored in Drama, and this playwright is unforgettable!

The play is about forcing peace upon people which is a turn-off and not very libertarian. I’m more war-like, myself.
I guess I just like the idea of withholding sex to get what I want. :)
The LA Times wrote Justice Clarence Thomas and his wife Helen’s new hobby, her very own tea party. Once the Times gets their teeth into something, they don’t like to let go! But I can see why, in this case – it is pretty shocking that the wife of a Supreme Court Justice can just up and start her own political party! Influence, much? I can’t believe she is allowed to do this!
“I am an ordinary citizen from Omaha, Neb., who just may have the chance to preserve liberty along with you and other people like you,” she said at a recent panel discussion with tea party leaders in Washington. Thomas went on to count herself among those energized into action by President Obama’s “hard-left agenda.”
But Thomas is no ordinary activist.
She is the wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, and she has launched a tea-party-linked group that could test the traditional notions of political impartiality for the court.
Although Liberty Central is a nonpartisan group, its website shows an affinity for conservative principles. Her biography notes that Thomas is a fan of Rush Limbaugh and Mark Levin, author of “Men in Black: How the Supreme Court is Destroying America.”
“She is intrigued by Glenn Beck and listening carefully,” the bio says.
Sounds like there might be 3 people in that bedroom soon.