Category: <span>Notable Holidays</span>

Just give me an opening to combine any holiday, with any subject, and I’m there. This week’s  message: vaccine testing is a joke. I have the numbers to prove it,…

Body Issues Notable Holidays

Two cartoons here from the impressive Daryl Cagle’s roster of Cagle Cartoons. This first one is another example of a Cartoon I wish I had done.

limited palette

From David Fitzsimmons, a beautiful example of limited palette that I talked about in my earlier post! Just oranges, browns and yellow – great colors for a Halloween cartoon, but it never would have occurred to me to use them like this. I didn’t even get the joke at first, I was so taken by the drawing – I thought it was one of those haunted houses that you pay to go in – which shows you where my mind is at. But this couple is buying it! Well, we all know murders have to be disclosed when a house is for sale. Even when apartments are rented, in Los Angeles. So maybe they should have told me when I moved here that one of the Charlie Manson murders happened just up the street?! (JK, I love this place!) (But yeah, it did.)

Caption for cartoon: They say it’s haunted by the young family who lost everything way back in 2009…and Foreclosed. Enjoy!

A rather odd cartoon after the jump, which is – well, it’s strange. I think you could say it would fit well in Cartoons I’m Glad I Didn’t Do.

Notable Holidays The Others (cartoonists)

and here’s another Halloween cartoon to scare you.

Halloween party cartoon, or Unemployment sadness?

Honestly, this seems like a cartoon a liberal would have done. Woe is me, we’re bad people, let’s forget to be happy when we can mope.

Or maybe they’re proactive capitalists, and they know the way to help the economy is to spend money, even if it’s for a Halloween par-tay. Or network at a party, that really does help. I started guest blogging last week for the LA Weekly, because I know Jill Stewart through the late great Cathy Seipp, and also from the LA Press Club. Hella lot of work to write newsy blogs, but fun!

Back in March, CNN said 4 states had already hit 10% unemployment, including California. Bloomberg says Obama predicted it back in June. However, today Bloomberg says as of September it’s 9.8%, so maybe these numbers are a little suspect, or according to who’s reporting.

Money Matters Notable Holidays

You’re not alone. Halloween cartoon I did for Double X (which is the girly side of Slate.) For Double X I do some cartoons that are current events and political,…

Notable Holidays

Notable Holidays

Apparently my Slate cartoon didn’t post properly today, so my work was for naught. One of the joys of online commerce… So here it is. Almost too late for Mother’s…

Notable Holidays