Yeah, I know it’s not as sexy as the market fall (which Twitter is ignoring, btw- obviously everyone in there either a) has no money b) doesn’t understand Standard and…
Category: <span>California, here I am</span>
* Finally cracked TIME Cartoons of the Week with this one! Yes, it took a local LA cartoon to make good on the East Coast. Also in Daily News today,…
You know the story: Arnold Schwarzenegger shacked up with an unattractive but very sensual maid, Mildred Baena, (I must assume she had sex appeal at some point). I’m guessing it…
What, you mean philandering and affairs (Arnold Schwarzenegger) aren’t enough reason for a couple to separate, but leaving political office will do just fine? Typical Kennedy thinking, Maria! Arnold S’s…
Kind of a funny situation in California now.

Jerry Brown wants to hurry up and put a proposition on the ballot in June for voters: can he set up a special election to extend higher tax rates on sales, vehicles and income for five years. It’s not exactly raising taxes, but doesn’t lower anything. (Our sales tax is almost 10%, outrageous.)
From the Sacramento Bee:
Brown is negotiating with a splinter group of five GOP lawmakers, whose wish list contains issues that have divided the Capitol for decades.
Republicans want to curb union power and demands, and put a hard cap on spending. So why are these 5 Republicans acting like rogue elephants (dangerous when separated from their herd!) and acting beguiled by Governor Brown’s tax increases? Beats me.
Sacramento can’t decide whether we’re more like Junior High or High School, however.

Dems vs the Taxpayer Caucus – RUMBLE!
Oh, I do like the slapfights in California politics. Wisconsin is in it to win; we’re in it to flex our muscle, even without the Governator.
The Taxpayer Caucus is the newest clique. Tony Strickland, a State Senator who started the caucus, so probably isn’t biased at all, writes about it in the Ventura County Star.
California’s taxes are some of the highest in the nation. We have the highest sales taxes. Our corporate income tax is the highest west of the Mississippi. Our personal income taxes are the third-highest in the nation.
Sadly, all true. The sales tax, especially, puts a little sad face on me. :(