Last updated on January 3, 2023
The Director of LA County Health, Barbara Ferrer, is such a joker!
Everyone should take a look at the actual Order for face masks issued in LA County – and their warnings. A county health dept can issue an “order”, but it’s unenforceable and has no law behind it. It’s really just a strong suggestion, like, “Grab a sweater if it’s chilly outside.”

It’s important to note that the CDC did a 180 degrees and now recommends masks, but does not require them. Same with WHO. California does NOT require them, either, except for grocery store workers. In fact, the California Dept of Public Health, guidelines, which you would think LA County would follow, says it’s completely choice:
You may choose to wear a cloth face covering when you must be in public for essential activities, such as shopping at the grocery store.
So the cheese stands alone, Barbara.
But Ms Ferrer went ahead and wrote an order anyway, and here it is. This is what I found interesting: most of it is the usual advice with any virus, wash your hands, yada yada, but in this 3 page report there are 21 sentences with the word “not” in it — warnings, or caveats about what NOT to do with your cloth face covering! Let’s take a look at some of them.
Standard advice for COVID-19 or any other virus
Straight from the Guidance for Safe Face Coverings order:
“Our best community and individual defense against COVID-19 is to
- wash our hands frequently,
- avoid touching our eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands,
- avoid being around sick people
- practicing physical distancing
- especially by staying at home”
11 Warnings from LA County that your mask could be dangerous or ineffective
- It is important to note that face coverings are not a substitute for always practicing physical distancing and frequent handwashing.
- Face coverings are not a replacement for these evidence-based strategies for slowing the spread of disease; they are just an additional tool that can protect others from possible exposure to respiratory droplets that may come from our mouth when we talk, sneeze or cough. [[In other words, face masks are NOT evidence-based. Lots of guessing here.]]
- Cloth face coverings are not intended for use by healthcare workers, first responders, and others whose work requires close contact with people who are ill. [[In other words, the masks don’t work!]]
- There is limited evidence to suggest that the use of cloth face coverings by the public during a
pandemic could help reduce disease transmission. - Cloth face coverings are not a substitute for physical distancing and washing hands and staying home when ill, but they may be helpful when combined with these primary interventions.
- The face covering was not previously recommended for the general public for protection from getting COVID-19.
- This new information suggests that a face cover may protect others from infection. Wearing a face cover may help prevent the spread of droplets that might be infectious.
- Wearing a cloth face covering does not eliminate the need to physically distance yourself from others and to wash your hands frequently.
- Since the intent of the face cover is to primarily protect others rather than the person wearing the cover, a surgical face mask is not necessary. [[Once again, they don’t work. And you are not safe. And is the County your new spiritual advisor?]]
- Face coverings are an additional tool that individuals should use to help slow the spread of COVID-19 but does not replace other social distancing requirements.
- Cloth face coverings should not be placed on young children under age 2, anyone who
has trouble breathing, or is unconscious, or otherwise unable to remove the mask or cloth face covering without assistance should not wear one.

There is one section that is not just a warning, but is also dangerous: Why wear a face cover? It says that “recent information” says a mask can slow the spread…- with no link or proof. AND that people wearing a mask touch their face less. Ha ha ha! For women especially, I see them touching their mask every 30 seconds. I won’t let any mask in my home – it’s like your teeth guard, gross!
Conclusion? No one should be wearing masks at all, except those in close contact with the sick.
More on Barbara Ferrer, Wicked Witch of the West and Author of Mask Order
Of course, this face covering nonsense is only one of her orders.

(I call her the Wicked Witch of the West in a teasing way, because I’m not a licensed therapist, and narcissism * is above my pay grade.) More about her here: Barbara Ferrer, Dictator of LA County Health.
A day or so after I published that, I noticed that someone else also called her a dictator: Red State! (I was not familiar with them.) They used many of the talking points I did! Some other media also called her out: KABC, EthicsAlarms, Fox, and more, all questioning why Ferrer acts like a doctor when she has no medical degree.
But Barbara Ferrer pushed back against these concerns!

I don’t make decisions by myself! She says her department has over 100 physicians – and 4400 other employees. As I said earlier, she is first a bureaucrat And as the Director, of course she DOES make final decisions and arbitrary rules for the 10.7 million people here, so, no dice, Ferrer. Don’t blame other people for your heinous decisions. And no qualified doctor would recommend that 10 million people walk around with masks for weeks and weeks and weeks.
LA County’s own mission statement, which I assume was in place before Barbara Ferrer, lists inclusivity as the 2nd value. Yet Ferrer shut down businesses, education, art, life choices, even food availability for 10 million people because of 1 death, and 8 positive cases!!! And extended these lockdowns 3 times! She has literally excluded all healthy people.
* Narcissism: Narcissism is characterized by a grandiose sense of self-importance, a lack of empathy for others, a need for excessive admiration. The pathological narcissist naturally views everyone else as inferior and may be intolerant of disagreement or questioning.
Next up: What happens when runners wear masks?