Year: <span>2011</span>

We just turn that direction when we see what a mess Liberals are making. This Mother’s Day cartoon is in honor of Cathy Seipp, a writer for National Review and…

Notable Holidays Pick a Political Party!

We’re all trying to figure out what his big announcement tonight is! Either that, or Osama bin Laden is dead.

He’s dead, as it turns out. I heard the news oh boy on Wayne Resnick, KFI. I always try to catch him each week, but this time I only listened about half an hour before I realized all the TV stations might run the President’s announcement, too, and so they did.

I’m glad they caught that SOB, but at the same time, I honestly don’t feel glee knowing that the Navy Seals set it up like an assassination. I mean, what do you call it when they target someone in particular and shoot to kill? That’s not war, it’s like illegal capital punishment.

And now we find out all the facts, like hiding behind one of his wives, and his being armed, are false. Some kind of mess there, for sure. Daily Caller talks about some of these conflicting accounts.

My first reaction to the announcement of his assassination, in spite of my personal problems swirling around me now, was to make a joke about it on Facebook, and turns out a lot of people liked it. So I’ve turned it into a cartoon. (cartoon after the break)

Barack Obama See ya later

I can’t figure out who takes the birthers seriously, but when it spreads to our holiday friends, you know it’s bad. Sure, I know Donald Trump is counting on that…

The Rest

I mean, really, who didn’t know this was going to happen? NO WAY was any government going to stop. Their last minute drama failed. Such a boondoggle. (Is that the…

Funny Business

A little housekeeping note

I really love fooling around with my WordPress blogs, but it has always bothered me that when people are looking for cartoons on a certain topic, whether it’s Barack Obama, Sarah Palin, or Dancing with the Stars, that they may not be able to find all the cartoons on that topic.

Sure, there are Categories in the sidebar, and tags underneath each post, and even 2 search buttons, but still, I’m not sure that everyone finds what they are looking for.

New way to index the cartoons

So I was superexcited last week to find a plugin that would help me get organized…at least on this blog! It’s AZIndex, and you can find it on WordPress. I’m not sure how long it will last, since it’s been abandoned by the author, and isn’t getting updated to new WordPress versions, but I hope something like this is taken up by some other smart WP plugin author.

Official presidential portrait of Barack Obama...
Unattractive portrait of Obama via Wikipedia
Alaska Governor Sarah Palin on June 2, 2007.
Sarah Palin via Wikipedia - just lAY OFF the hunting, Sarah.

All the cartoons on this site are on the page now, which you can find in my tab on the topĀ  under All Op-Ed Cartoons or in the sidebar link called Index of Cartoons. Cartoons are organized by tag names (which you can also see underneath each post). While I was putting this together, I combined or deleted some tags (law, lawyer, and laws are kind of similar), so I’ll have to go through and tag some of the cartoons more appropriately. Some of my most used tags are Obama, oil, Sarah Palin, LA Times, TV, and, of course, death. :) I also have more than I thought on armed forces and military, which I will probably combine…

Not that High Tech

Some jailbirds fantasize about women in prison. Others dream about what political party would make them happy.

prisoner wonders if the tea party would let him join
prisoner wonders if the tea party is the right party for him

I hope everyone knows that felons (prisoners) can’t vote.

Oops. In some states, now, apparently felons can vote. (Maine and Vermont, at the date of this article, 2008).

A loose-knit group of national organizations working to restore voting rights includes the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, or ACORN (Bell’s employer); the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People; and the Brennan Center for Justice.

Last month, Obama campaign workers took down a sign at their headquarters in Pottstown, Pa., that said “Felons can vote,” because it might have sent the wrong message.

Hysterical! I guess Obama didn’t want to be the candidate of former inmates. :) Inmates are predominantly black and Hispanic in most states, and the article goes on to say that people who have committed felonies (jailbirds), are young, with a poor education, and “these demographics are traditionally Democrats.”

Oh, my. :)

Pick a Political Party!