Last updated on January 3, 2023
Thanksgiving cartoon for people who read editorial cartoons:

Cartoon caption: TOFU FOR THANKSGIVING! Vegan, or…Bankrupt? [Toles or Oliphant would draw a small mammal here]
I wish you could see the family better here…we only get 500 px width on Slate. But it was fun drawing all the food, tiny-like! And I think I made tofu more fun than it has a right to be.
But the part that makes me laugh hysterically – yes I do entertain myself sometimes, which means I have a good job, right? – is the part in the corner about the well-known Pulitzer-prize winning editorial cartoonists Tom Toles and Pat Oliphant, who haveĀ this constant melody of little animals or people or birds saying the punchline in the corner. I’ve seen Mad Magazine and Nickelodeon (now folded) do the same thing…
But what I’m curious about is which of these two op-ed cartoonists did it first; and who’s the copycat? :)
Completing the cartoon: ‘Toles or Oliphant would draw a small mammal here only the family ate it.’