Category: <span>Funny Business</span>

"Now I'm confused. Is that a black hole, or the maws of AIG?" ©D. Barstow 2009

AIG, the worst insurance company of the year, and they have some tough competition. And there’s a dog in it for you, too.

This was for Slate, and I did it right before the big news broke about AIG asking for even more money, for those f-ing bonuses. On the day I did this, it was just “normal” money they requested.

I thought AIG was an insurance company, but some cartoonists were doing it as a bank…I think it’s an insurance company FOR banks. But this whole idea that the world’s economy will collapse if AIG dies is a bunch of baloney. Too big to fail? I don’t believe it for a minute, and I’m sure I’ll do another cartoon on that idea. And when did insurance companies get such a stranglehold on America, anyway?

Funny Business